Your peers can be fantastic sources of information. They are likely to be going through the same process of researching and applying for jobs, and they may even be in the same field as you are. It is wonderful when you can exchange experiences with your peers, find out information about employers, consult about job application documents, or go to a career fair together. It is also advisable to keep in mind that your peers often have as little experience as you have, so that most useful information will come from comparing notes and taking into consideration some of the strategies and decisions your peers make.
Once you have established a professional position for yourself, your coworkers and collaborators will be a great source of information about trends in the job market, job openings, career shifts, and employers who are good to work for. You will also be able to learn from their decisions, strategies and, quite possibly, mistakes.
There is also an enormous amount of advice available in the form of books and websites. As we suggest in the section dedicated to such sources, much of this advice is offered as “common wisdom.” Still, you may find out that not everything you read online will be applicable to you, or useful in your job search or career planning. While it’s good to consider these sources, ultimately use your own best judgment to decide what kind of path to take.
Read on about advising at the Office of Career and Professional Development…
Read on about advising by faculty mentors…