Teaching Certification Programs

These programs in New York City offer certification for public school teachers. The requirements we list here were accurate when we last checked, but these kinds of details change and it’s best to contact any institution you may be interested in directly to find out about the latest information about their particular requirements and deadlines.

Keep in mind that New York City government funds New York City Teaching Fellows, a program whose many benefits include tuition for promising teachers who wish to get certified and get accepted to this program. This is a great way to reduce the financial burden of certification as well as to build a community of fellow teachers committed to good public education.

Adelphi University offers an M.A. in English Education in primary and adolescent programs. It requires 30 credits in college-level English courses with no lower than a B in any course.

Bankstreet College of Education offers and M.A. in Early Childhood or Childhood Education and an M.A. in Childhood Education and Literacy Specialist. This program equires a GPA of 3.0 along with “depth and breadth in the liberal arts and sciences.”

Teachers College, Columbia University offers an M.A. in English Education. It requires 24 credits in English across range of content areas and a high GPA.

Brookyn College, CUNY offers an M.S. in a variety of fields: Early Childhood EducationChildhood EducationChildhood Education: Bilingual ExtensionChildhood Education: Science and Environmental Education, Teachers of Students with DisabilitiesAdolescence Education and Special Subjects, andSchool CounselingSchool Psychology, and Educational Leadership. Requirements vary by each individual program, so it’s best to check directly with the College.

City College, CUNY offers an M.S. in Early Childhood or Childhood Education, and an M.A. in English Education. The program requires 24 credits in English courses (3.0 GPA) and a 2.75 GPA overall. Applicants must submit their LAST (Liberal Arts and Sciences Test of the NYSTCE) scores.

College of Staten Island, CUNY requires at least six approved credits each in English, history, mathematics, and science, and an overall GPA at or above 3.0. The Department of Education offers programs leading to the Master of Science in Education (MSEd) in Childhood Education, Adolescence Education, Special Education Childhood (1-6), Special Education Adolescence Generalist (7-12), and the Post-Master’s Advanced Certificate for Leadership in Education.

Hunter College, CUNY offers an M.A in Early Childhood or Childhood Education, and an M.A. in Adolescent English Education. The program requires 2.8 GPA , 24 credits of advanced English courses, 6 credits in language other than English, 6 credits in social studies, 3 credits in arts, and 12 credits in math and science.

Lehman College, CUNY offers an M.S. Ed Early Childhood and Childhood EducationMiddle and High School EducationCounseling, Leadership, Literacy, and Special Education.

NYU Steinhardt offers an M.A. in English Education (grades 7-12). The program requires 30 credits in college-level English courses.

Alumna Carla Scollo (2014) is currently a student in Hunter College’s graduate program in Education.

Carla Scollo, graduate student in Adolescent Education

What is your job?

I am a full time graduate student at Hunter College pursuing a degree in adolescent English Education (grades 7-12). This semester I am pre-student teaching at the Maxine Greene HS of Imaginative Inquiry at the MLK campus school. 
What is the broader field of industry in which this work exists?
Broader field of industry would include becoming a certified TESOL instructor, or specializing in literacy programs within a DOE school. 
What, in general, do you do as part of this job?
As part of the job I have to plan lessons, create assessments, attend professional development, grade papers, read aloud, and work alongside a co-teacher. 
What are the pros and cons of this kind of job?
Pros: Working with children has always been rewarding and I get to teach a subject that I’ve always been passionate about. 
Cons: Lessons don’t always go as planned. Class management, completing assignments on time. 
What skills did you learn as an English major that you use in this job?
The skills I learned as an English major included close text analysis, exploring lit theory, reading/writing strategies, literary elements, etc are all used or can be used within a classroom setting. A lot of the writing skills that I acquired as an English major helped me professionally as well. 
How did you get this job?
I was placed at Maxine Green HS by Hunter College.
For current students interested in this line of work, do you have any recommendations on what they can do now to start directing their career path?

For students who want to teach English, I would recommend studying for the GRE ahead of time as most education courses are split by content area classes and education courses. For example, Hunter’s English Ed program is made up of the english department and education department and in order to get into the program, one of the requirements asks that you pass the English GRE. 

I would recommend students to work or volunteer in after-school programs, babysitting, or tutoring. The more exposure one has in working with students, the  less scary it will be to navigate a public school classroom.  

I strongly urge students to visit the writing center! Even if students think they’re writing is good, it is always beneficial to have someone edit! I would also encourage students to proofread their own work as classes at a graduate level become more reading and writing intensive.